Student Organization Event Safety Policy
Management of student organization events is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization in accordance with final arrangements authorized by the Office of Campus Activities and Programs. The intent of this policy is to safely manage student organization activities and to reduce any potential personal and institutional harm.
Typical institutional considerations in student organization event management include the size, location, and type of event; the date and time of event; the purpose of the event; the presence of guests or uninvited persons from beyond the University community; the presence and extent of police coverage; the ability to screen out potential weapons or other contraband.
Any student organization sponsored events that meet any of the following standards must comply with the provisions of this policy:
- Any activity open to persons other than members of the UNCG community.
- All campus-wide activities.
- All social activities of Greek-letter organizations where those activities are open to an audience other than each current member and one UNCG student guest.
- Any activity which appears likely, in the judgment of the Director of Campus Activities and Programs or his/her designate, to provide the opportunity for involvement of non-invited individuals, even where the intent of the sponsoring organization is to attract only UNCG students and guests.
3.Policies Governing the Execution of the “UNCG Student Organization Event Contract”
3.1Limits On Types Of Activities
- No outdoor, night-time events unless contained in a controlled access facility.
- No “open” events.
- No events whose likely attendance will exceed the capacity of the designated facility by a capacity of more than 10%.
- Prior consultation and approval of the Office of Campus Activities and Programs for campus-wide events.
3.2Time Limits
- No events after 1:00 am
- No outdoor events after sundown unless held in a controlled access facility.
3.3Advertising Restrictions
- No off-campus advertising of events except for campus-wide events with prior consultation of Office of Campus Activities and Programs.
- All advertising to contain information as to admission restrictions, search and seizure provisions, and consequences statement.
3.4Facility Requirements/Prohibitions
All events subject to specific facility site regulations.
3.5Personnel Requirements
- Student Organization Personnel
- Sponsoring organization personnel must be present and accountable and assigned according to prior approved event management agreement.
- One sponsoring organization individual identified with event responsibility.
- University Police
- As required by the Director of University Police or his/her designate, at the expense of the sponsoring organization.
- Other ( Facility Personnel, etc.)
- As required by the facility director, including ticket takers, box office staff, set- up, maintenance, etc, at expense of organization.
3.6Limits On Those Attending
UNCG student and one guest, with sign-in system except for campus-wide events, with prior consultation with the Office of Campus Activities and Programs
3.7Controlled Access to Venue
- Ticket or ID for every event
- Ticket sales/ID check locations approved by Office of Campus Activities and Programs at expense of sponsoring organization.
- Tracking of student entry by bar code system as available.
- Use of metal detectors at entries as required.
3.8Authority To Close Or Curtail Activity
Facility administrative duty officer for event OR Director of University Police for life-safety issues.
3.9Planning Requirements
- Minimum four week cycle – non campus-wide events.
- Minimum six to eight week cycle for campus wide events.
- Completion of UNCG Student Organization Event Contract.
3.10Responsibility of Sponsoring Organization
- All aspects of event planning with approval by Administrative Unit.
- Compliance with all event and University regulations.
- Liability for all departures from previously agreed or existing policies.
- Financial liability for all special requirements arising from event.
- Completion of UNCG Student Organization Event Contract.
3.11Event Evaluation/Consequences
- Event evaluation conference as necessary within 30 days of event with the Office of Campus Activities and Programs.
- Failure to complete evaluation conference results in loss of event privileges as determined appropriate by the Office of Campus Activities and Programs.
- Organizational members, officers, guests, and participants are accountable to the University and civil authorities for breech of policy or damages and injuries resulting from event.
3.12Related Other Policies
- Alcohol Policy
- Student Code of Conduct
- Merchandising Policy
- Fire and Occupancy Codes
- Zoning Regulations
- Other Facility Policies
4.16 weeks out for campus wide events/4 weeks out for all others:
- Initiate Planning
- Determine Event/Set Budget
4.25 weeks out for campus wide events/3 weeks out for all others
- Complete space reservation request
- Review requirements for Event Safety Contract with the Office of Campus Activities and Programs
- Review police needs with University Police
- Review food service needs with University Dining Services
- Review event parking needs with Parking Services
4.33 weeks out for all events
- Finalize space reservation/venue set-up requirements
- Finalize Event Safety Contract with the Office of Campus Activities and Programs