This policy was accurate as of the date printed. For the most current revisions to this policy refer to the Web site referenced above.

University policies concerning the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages do not contravene federal, state, or municipal law regarding their purchase. A summary of certain sections of the North Carolina State Statutes and local ordinances of alcoholic use is included below:

North Carolina Laws on Alcohol

    1. It is unlawful for any person under twenty‐one years of age to purchase, attempt to purchase, possess, or consume an alcoholic beverage. GS 18B-302(b). Violation by a 19 or 20 year old is a Class 3 misdemeanor, with punishment ranging from 1-20 days in jail, a fine up to $200 and probation. GS 18B-302(i); 15A-1340.23; 15A-1343. In addition, if the underage person was engaged in the act of purchasing or attempting to purchase an alcoholic beverage, his/her driver’s license will be revoked. GS 18B-302(g)(3).
    2. It is unlawful for any person to aid or abet an underage person in the purchase or attempted purchase of alcoholic beverages. GS 18B‐302(c). Violation by a person under the age of 21 is a Class 2 misdemeanor, with punishment ranging from 1-60 days in jail, a fine up to $1,000, probation and license revocation. GS 18B‐302(c)(1) and (g)(2); 15A-1340.23; 15A-1343. Violation by a person age 21 or older is a Class 1 misdemeanor, with punishment ranging from 1- 120 days in jail, a fine determined by the court, probation and license revocation. GS 18B‐302(c)(2) and (g)(2); 15A-1340.23; 18B-302.1(b); 15A-1343.
    3. It is unlawful for any person knowingly to sell or give alcoholic beverages to an underage person. GS 18B‐302(a) and (a1). Violation is a Class 1 misdemeanor, with punishment ranging from 1- 120 days in jail, a fine determined by the court, probation and license revocation. GS 15A- 1340.23; 18B-302.1(a); 18B-302 (g)(4); 15A-1343.
    4. It is unlawful for any underage person to use, or attempt to use, an altered or falsified driver’s license or other identification document or to use, or attempt to use, a driver’s license or other identification document issued to another person in order to obtain or attempt to obtain alcoholic beverages. GS 18B‐302(e). Violation is a Class 1 misdemeanor, with punishment ranging from 1-120 days in jail, a fine determined by the court, probation and license revocation. GS 15A- 1340.23; 18B-302(g)(1); 14-3; 15A-1343
    5. It is unlawful for any person to permit use of his/her driver’s license or any other identification document by an underage person to purchase or attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages. GS 18B‐302(f). Violation is a Class 1 misdemeanor, with punishment ranging from 1-120 days in jail, a fine determined by the court, probation and license revocation. GS 15A-1340.23; 18B- 302(g)(1); 14-3; 15A-1343
    6. It is unlawful for any person to consume any alcoholic beverage in or on any public street, right- of‐way, sidewalk, alley, or other public place within the City or on any City owned property located inside or outside the Greensboro corporate limits. Punishment is pursuant to the Ordinances of the City of Greensboro.
    7. A person commits the offense of impaired driving if he drives any vehicle upon any highway, any street, or any public vehicular area within this State:
      1. While under the influence of an impairing substance; or
      2. After having consumed sufficient alcohol that he has, at any relevant time after the driving, an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more. The results of a chemical analysis shall be deemed sufficient evidence to prove a person’s alcohol concentration; or
      3. With any amount of a Schedule I controlled substance, as listed in GS 90-89 or its metabolites in his blood or urine.
        GS 20-138.1(a).
        Impaired driving is a Class 1 misdemeanor, with punishment ranging from 1day to 24 months, fines up to $4,000, community service, probation and license revocation. GS 20-138.1(d); 20-179.
    1. General Policies
      Violations of law or of this policy may also result in charges under the Student Code of Conduct.
      1. All usage of alcoholic beverages will conform to existing state, local, and University laws and policies.
      2. Permission for functions which alcoholic beverages will be served must be obtained in advance.
      3. A Social Function shall be defined as any function at which one or both of the following criteria are met:
        • The presence of more than twenty non-members of the host organization.
        • The presence of alcoholic beverages.
      4. Social functions at which alcoholic beverages will be served or consumed will be divided into two classes:
        Class I: Alcoholic beverages must be provided at no-charge to guests and be purchased by the following methods:
        1. Alcoholic beverages may not be sold by any person on the campus.
        2. Alcoholic beverages must be purchased at market value, not wholesale.
        3. Donations of alcoholic beverages from suppliers cannot be accepted.
        4. Student Activity Fees collected by the institution may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.
          Class II: Functions must be Bring-Your-Own-Beverage (BYOB) and follow the University Guidelines regulating this type of event.
      5. Policies regarding the scheduling and use of facilities must be observed.
        Such policies include the following:
        • Alcoholic beverages will be consumed only in the area(s) reserved.
        • Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed at any event to which admission is charged.
        • Non-alcoholic beverages and food must be provided at the function.
        • Alcoholic beverages may be brought in by others only to Class II functions.
        • At a Class I function, alcoholic beverages may not be removed from the premises for consumption elsewhere. Removal of said beverages from Class II functions is subject to the University BYOB Policy.
        • Alcoholic beverages may be used only as complements to an event, not as a main focus.
        • Alcoholic beverages may not be advertised as being present at any event.
        • Consumption of unfortified wines and beer at University approved functions is limited to persons twenty-one years of age or older, with proof of age required. (If proof of age is not provided, alcohol may not be consumed.)
        • Persons who are noticeably intoxicated will not be admitted to the function; or if they become intoxicated at the function, they will not be served and may be asked to leave.
        • Whether students drink alcoholic beverages in their rooms or elsewhere on campus at approved functions, they will be held accountable for their behavior. Irresponsible drinking will not be accepted as an excuse for irresponsible behavior. Such behavior may result in judicial action.
        • The members of the host organization are responsible for the actions of their guests.
      6. Class I Social Functions
        1. Amounts of Alcohol Permitted:
          • All Indoor Events (except Cone Ballroom, EUC)
            Beer: 1 keg per 60 persons
            1 pony keg per 30 persons
            2 1/2 cases per 20 people
            Wine: 1 liter per 5 persons
          • Outdoor Events
            Beer: 1 keg per 100 persons (maximum 20 kegs)
            1 pony keg per 50 persons (maximum 20 kegs)
            Wine: 1 liter per 9 persons
          • Cone Ballroom
            Beer: 1 keg per 100 persons (maximum 8 kegs)
            1 pony keg per 50 persons (maximum 8 kegs)
            Wine: 1 liter per 9 persons
        2. In any case where alcohol is served at a student function, the sponsor is responsible for presenting plans to the Office of the Director of Campus Activities and Programs which conform with facility usage, State Law and University policy. The use of alcohol at a student organization function requires approval by the Office of Campus Activities and Programs.
        3. Sponsors of social functions where beer and/or unfortified wine is provided shall be required to provide “bartenders” and/or appropriate dispensing stations for service of food and beverages, with identification procedures for proof-of-age and limitation of quantities per person.
        4. “Bartenders” shall not consume alcoholic beverages nor be under the influence of alcohol while tending bar; and they shall not serve anyone who appears to be intoxicated.
        5. The sponsoring/host organization is responsible for ensuring that all regulations and guidelines are followed. The advisor (or other approved staff member) must be present at all times during the function, in conformity with the facility use policy.
        6. If alcoholic beverages are served by the host organization, expenditures shall not exceed the value of food and non-alcoholic beverage costs.
      7. Class II Social Functions
        1. Definitions
          1. Class II Social Functions shall be defined as including general campus parties, such as fraternity or sorority parties, and also including paired or co-sponsored functions.
          2. Class II Social Functions will be BYOB events at which no alcoholic beverages may be bought or served by the host organization. Each guest who is of legal age, (21 yrs), is limited to the following amount of alcohol that he or she may bring to any given BYOB event:
            • One six-pack of brewed beverage (beer or clear maltbeverages) OR
            • One four-pack of 10-ounce wine coolers
            • No hard liquor, kegs, pre-mixed drinks, pitchers, tumblers or other containers
            • No bottles (except wine coolers that are poured into plastic cups before redistribution)
          3. A Single Alcohol Serving shall be defined as one 12-ounce container of brewed beverage or one 10-ounce wine cooler.
          4. The guidelines that follow will be in effect for any function defined as a Class II Social Function.
        2. Reporting a Social Function
          Organizations must file a UNCG Student Organization Event Contract for all Class II Social Functions. This form must be signed by a representative of the organization, and approved by University Police as well as the Office of the Director of Campus Activities and Programs. The paperwork must be submitted TWO weeks prior to the scheduled event to 221 Elliott University Center.
        3. Hosting and Monitoring Social Functions
          1. All social events should have a theme, program or activity to make the event special. Alcohol should not be the focus of the event. Organizations should exercise good judgment, common sense, and good taste when selecting a theme.
          2. Organizations must select 2 individuals to be present at the function, and who shall not consume alcoholic beverages, nor be under the influence of alcoholic beverages, for the entire duration of the social function.
          3. The sponsoring organization is responsible for ensuring that all regulations and guidelines are followed. The advisor (or other approved staff member) must be present at all times during the function, in conformity with the facility use policy.
          4. OPEN SOCIAL FUNCTIONS are prohibited. All non-members of the organization must be on a guest list at all social functions. The guest list shall be final and may not be altered at the door. Tickets shall not be substituted for a guest list. Specifically, band parties are permissible, but cannot be public/open functions.
          5. Organizations must maintain two monitors at each entrance to a social function. The monitors will be responsible for the following:
            1. Monitors shall not consume alcoholic beverages nor be under the influence of alcohol while on duty.
            2. Monitors shall deny admission to any person who arrives intoxicated. An attempt should be made to secure appropriate, safe transportation home for the intoxicated individual.
            3. Persons possessing alcohol must show proof of legal age before being admitted to any function. Upon being admitted, these persons must be marked with wristbands as to identify their proof of legal drinking age.
            4. All persons under the age of 21 must be marked with a distinctly different mark than those who are 21 and over.
            5. Monitors shall post signs informing those entering the social function that North Carolina Law prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under twenty-one (21) years of age.
            6. Monitors shall observe persons departing the social function to assure those intoxicated will not drive and will have a safe means of transportation available. Designated drivers or paid taxi service should be available at all times from the host organization, and specifically during the final two hours of the social function.
            7. Beginning and ending times must be determined and indicated for all social functions.
            8. Alternative beverages and unsalted foods must be served at all social functions. They must be served in a manner and quantity that will assure that they are available and readily accessible to all guests who desire them throughout the social function.
        4. Registration and Distribution of Alcohol.
          1. Alcohol shall not be publicly displayed while in transport to and from the event (e.g., carry in a paper bag).
          2. All alcohol must be turned over to the host at the door at which time, the host organization shall provide an event-specific punch card to each individual with alcohol. The name of the individual, his/her birthday, the type and amount of alcohol, the date of the event, and the theme of the event should all be on the card.
          3. There shall be one designated server dispensing alcohol at a designated location for every 40 individuals. The servers shall not consume alcoholic beverages nor be under the influence of alcohol while serving; and they shall not serve anyone who appears to be intoxicated.
          4. One centralized location should be established for the distribution of all food and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as for the distribution of all alcoholic beverages. All beverages, including alcohol, must be served in a plastic cup, as opposed to the original can or bottle.
          5. The organization must provide a holding tank, which serves as a cooling area for the alcohol brought to the function by members and guests.
          6. Anyone who wishes to acquire an alcoholic beverage that he/she has brought to an event, must present the punch card, show the wristband or stamp, and return an empty container from his/her previous beverage, if this is not the first request. Only one beer or wine cooler may be acquired at a time.
          7. Bar closing time must be announced at least 30 minutes in advance of event ending time. Leftover alcohol can be picked up the following day; otherwise it is to be discarded.
          8. Removal of empty cans/bottles is the responsibility of the host organization.
    • Individual possession and consumption of canned or bottled beer or unfortified wine shall be permitted in the students’ rooms for persons twenty-one years of age or older, unless prohibited by specific residence hall policies. Consumption of spirituous liquors shall be permitted only in the students’ rooms in compliance with General Statute 18B-302(b)(2) for the person twenty-one years of age or older.
    • The consumption or possession of spirituous beverages is not allowed in the rooms of students who are both under the age of twenty-one.
    • No possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverages including beer, unfortified wine, and spirituous liquor is permitted in the study rooms, hallways, or public areas such as parlors, lounges, or kitchens, unless designated for a specific function.
    • Only beer and unfortified wines may be served in Elliott University Center. (Such beverages may not be sold under any circumstances.)
    • Alcohol may not be served at any event to which admission is charged.These beverages shall be permitted only at scheduled functions sponsored by recognized campus organizations and only within the confines of that function with regard to the time and place of consumption.
    • Admission to such functions is limited to students and faculty/staff of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and their bonafide guests. Consumption of alcoholic beverages at such functions shall be limited to persons twenty-one years of age and older, with proof of age required.Reservations for space, notice of intent to serve alcoholic beverages, and limitation on the amount of beverages to be served must be arranged with the Elliott University Center at least two weeks in advance of the function.
    • Permission for such functions must be obtained from the Office of Campus Activities and Programs at least six working days in advance of the function and during regular office hours of the Office.
    • Food and non-alcoholic beverages must be provided at the function.
    • The consumption of beer and unfortified wines is restricted to the area reserved, as outlined below:
      • Beer in kegs: Taylor Garden; Cone Ballroom (Cone Ballroom being available only for campus-wide functions sponsored by the Office of Campus Activities and Programs)Beer in cans or bottles: Claxton, Alexander, Kirkland, Ferguson, Benbow, Phillips, Joyner, Sharpe, Cone Ballroom, Azalea, Willow, Maple, Long Leaf Pine, Elm, White Oak, Dogwood, Birch, Auditorium Lobby, Art Gallery; Taylor GardenUnfortified wines: Claxton, Alexander, Kirkland, Ferguson, Benbow, Phillips, Joyner, Sharpe, Cone Ballroom, Azalea, Willow, Maple, Long Leaf Pine, Elm, White Oak, Dogwood, Birch, Auditorium Lobby, Art Gallery; Taylor Garden.
    • Under no circumstances may alcoholic beverages be consumed in the following areas of Elliott University Center: Bookstore; Food Court; Game Room (except for closed events); Lounges; lobbies; offices or other open or public areas of the building such as corridors and restrooms.
    • Officers and the faculty/staff sponsor of the host organization shall be present. The sponsoring/host organization shall be responsible for conforming to all University, City, and State policies and regulations during the function, as well as for any damages incurred as a result of the function. Failure to comply with any of these policies and regulations may result in a suspension of reservation privileges and/or judicial action.
    • A copy of the Permit must be displayed (posted) at all times during the function.
    • Room and event reservations in the Alumni House must be made and approved through the Office of Alumni Relations.
    • For service of alcoholic beverages, an individual must be designated as a “sponsor” who must be present and assume direct responsibility for the supervision of serving and consumption of alcohol and for the event. The sponsor must sign and submit a “Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages” University form to the Office of the Chancellor at least ten days in advance of the event.
    • Service of alcohol is normally limited to beer, wine, champagne and unfortified wines. A special occasions permit is on site in the Alumni House for these purposes. Groups wishing to serve hard liquors must obtain their own special permit through the ABC Board before University approval may be granted.
    • State and local laws governing possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages are to be followed. Consumption is limited to persons twenty-one years of age or older. No one under the age of twenty-one may be served.Intoxicated persons may not be served and may not remain at an event or activity.
    • Alternate beverages (tea, soft drinks, juices, etc.) and food must be served whenever alcohol is served. Events at which alcohol is served will be closed to all persons not specifically invited.No sale of alcohol is permitted. The term “sale” applies to transactions involving admission charges or other forms of indirect payment.
    • Announcements of events and activities may not contain any reference to alcohol.No alcoholic beverage may be taken outside of Alumni House grounds or into areas not designated for the event.
    • It should be noted that though an offense may be the subject of legal action by the civil authorities, University officials are nonetheless free to initiate disciplinary action that may result in additional sanctions.
    • When the University does initiate disciplinary action for offenses, it will be in accordance with established procedures that safeguard the rights and interests of students and employees.
    • A staff member responsible to Alumni Relations must be on site during all events whether sponsored by faculty, staff, students, alumni, or unaffiliated groups. Additional security personnel may also be required. Appropriate charges for staff members required to be present outside of normal business hours may be levied.
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