The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (February 2018)


To set forth the regulations that govern the operation and use of bicycles, skateboards, hoverboards, roller skates or other similar devices on the campus or on the property owned, leased, managed, or operated by The University of North Carolina at Greensboro or any component thereof, including departments, offices, centers, or similar entities.

Every person riding a bicycle, skateboard, roller skate or other similar devices shall exercise due care and reasonable caution to prevent injury to others, to self, or to property. Obstacle riding or other acts or maneuvers which may endanger the operator or others or damage property is prohibited. State traffic laws about bicycles, skateboards, roller skates or other similar devices are in full force and effect on university property.


  1. General Policy: Any manual or motorized transportation with wheels, which is not specifically required for use by a medical or disability condition, are strictly prohibited from use inside any building owned, leased, managed, or operated by the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, or any component thereof, including departments, offices, centers, or similar entities. Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, hoverboards, or other similar devices may be used as a form of point‐to‐point transportation outside of any building or structure.
  2. Rules of Use: Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, or other similar devices must yield the right‐of‐way to pedestrians and wheelchairs. Reckless operation, whereby the rider upholds no concern for the safety of others, constitutes a violation of acceptable bicycles, skateboards, roller skates or other similar devices use. Bicycles should utilize designated bicycle lanes, parking lots, and streets while following all applicable traffic regulations. Bicycles should only use sidewalks to access and securely store bicycles at designated bicycle racks. Skateboards, roller skates, and other similar personal transportation devices are permitted for use on sidewalks and in parking, lots on property owned or controlled by the University.
  3. Destruction of Property: Grinding (i.e., frictional contact between any part of the skateboard or personal transportation device and a ledge, plant or branch) shall be prohibited due to applicable damage to university property. Obstacles such as university monuments, retaining walls, staircases, ledges, handrails, benches, brick patios, curbs, flower planters and other structures or inside a building shall be off limits to the riders due to the inherent destruction of property that may result from such activities, and to prevent injury to pedestrians. Certain obstacles may be set up by the university for permitted use outside of parking and pedestrian areas. Anyone observed using such devices on university monuments, retaining walls, staircases, ledges, handrails, benches, brick patios, curbs, flower planters and other structures or inside a building may be subject to enforcement options.
  4. Determination: The University reserves the right to make final determination and approval of appropriate accommodations. Final decisions will be made by the Office of Accessibility, Resources, and Services. A single appeal to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, or designee, is allowed. The decision of the Vice Chancellor, or designee, may not be appealed


  1. Bicycle: a device propelled by human power or electrical power, upon which a person may ride. The device may have two tandem wheels either of which is more than 12 inches in diameter, with steeringcapability and brakes which operate on or upon the wheels. It also includes any device generally recognized as a bicycle, although equipped with more than one front or rear wheel.
  2. Hoverboard: any device propelled electrically or mechanically, upon which a person may ride. The device may have two or more wheels, less than 6 inches in diameter. It includes any device marketed or commonly known as a “hoverboard.”
  3. Skateboard: a non-motorized device consisting of two or more wheels affixed to a platform or footboard upon which a rider stands and which does not have steering capability similar to that of a bicycle or brakes which operate on or upon wheels of the skateboard. It also includes every device generally recognized as a skateboard.
  4. Roller skates: a device consisting of a shoe with one or more wheels attached for skating or a metal frame with wheels attached that can be fitted for a shoe worn by a person. It includes in-line skates, rollerblades and every device generally recognized as roller skates.
  5. Personal Transportation Device: a device utilized for the personal transportation of an individual. This includes motorized and non-motorized devices with one or more wheels.
  6. University property: the university campus and any other property owned, operated, leased, managed, or controlled by The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.


The Dean of Students Office, UNCG Police Department, and Parking Operations & Campus Access Management will periodically review the policy.


Exceptions to this policy may be requested in writing, summarizing the nature and the reason for the exception. Such requests will be directed to the Dean of Student Office and UNCG Police Department.


Comments or questions? Email the Policy Administrator.

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