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RWW-Mental Health First Aid
September 6 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Similar to first aid training, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) provides education on how to be a responder for mental health crises. MHFA is not training participants how to treat or diagnose, but participants will learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health concerns. This is a great way to learn how to best intervene when you’re noticing mental health concerns at varied stages (early warning signs, worsening signs, and mental health crises).
This training is 8 hours (lunch provided). Participants must complete the training and all necessary training items (before and after) to earn their certificate.
In order to participate, you MUST REGISTER. Please see the RSVP link to secure your spot!
RSVP link – https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=9Vzhc7tdr0aoYnU5Fiadc3Fcs_ahRoJKo-mbsk32svlUOVI3RzJTWDZEUE40VTgxQjMyNzVDUDdQOSQlQCN0PWcu Learn more at http://uncg.presence.io/event/mental-health-first-aid-105